
イミグレーション・ミュージアム東京「Newcomer's View」(2010-)

“Immigration Museum Tokyo(イミグレーション・ミュージアム東京)”開館にむけて、プロジェクト”Newcomer’s View”にぜひご協力ください!

Please join us in the project “Newcomer’s View” for up-coming Immigration Museum Tokyo

○ こんなプランを進めています

What is the “Newcomer’s View” Project?


Through art projects, we offer opportunities to citizens to get to know different cultures – cultures of people from different countries places and chances for exchange. We would like to start the project creating networks by communicating with families and doing research on new and realistic viewpoints of different cultures. Our goal is to make a collaborative work to be exhibited at the Immigration Museum. Our future plan is to open the Immigration Museum in Koganei City, introduce various cultures, and promote exchange among local communities.

○ ご協力をお願いします!

Please, Join Us!


We are recruiting non-Japanese families and individuals in the areas to join us in the project. We would like to research your unique cultures through the key concepts: “Preservation, Adaption, Merging.” Interviews, photo sessions, and collaborating in creating artworks are planned. Can you tell us interesting differences between your own culture and Japanese culture?

○ アートフル・アクション!について


This project is a part of “Artfull Action,” an initiative to promote art and culture in Koganei City, started in 2009. A collaboration of committees consisting of citizens, local government and universities, its purpose is to make Koganei city life more attractive. Participants should enter this project with full assurance of our best intensions.

企画/監修 岩井成昭

〒184-0004 東京都小金井市本町6-5-3 シャトー小金井2階
小金井アートフル・アクション IMM事務局

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